After many years serving the Special Education community, we are sorry to say that we are no longer in the business of providing sensory stimulation equipment.
We accept purchase orders from any public school, school district, or co-op. We also accept paper checks, online checks, VISA, and MasterCard. To purchase with VISA or MasterCard, complete the order form at the end of the printable brochure or on the Interactive Order Form Worksheet and fax it to us at 210-828-3785.
To receive a brochure of our sensory stimulation products by regular mail, click here. To print a detailed brochure now, click on the link below. You can use the order form at the end of the brochure to either order directly from us or use as support for your purchase order requisition from your organization's purchasing department. You can either print the .pdf file and fill it out by hand or open the Interactive Order Form Worksheet and let it do the calculations for you. To use the .pdf file, you'll need to download a free copy of Acrobat Reader if you don't already have one installed on your computer.
SpecialEd Solutions, Inc. offers affordable, effective alternatives to the Little Room, also known as the Original Little Room. This site is in no way associated with Lilli Nielsen, the little room, the original little room, Dr. Lilli Nielsen's Little Room, Lilliworks, the Lilliworks Foundation, the Lilliworks Foundation of Alameda, CA, or with Lilliput North America of Casper, WY. The Little Room, a/k/a Lilli Nielsen's Little Room and the Original Little Room are registered trademarks of Lilliput North America, LLC in Casper, WY.Red Wing Aerial Photography